Wednesday, January 19, 2011

9 crimes redux

"The wrong kind of place"
but we can't wait any longer.
So simple, yet so complex.

"For somebody new"
to fit into old patterns
and prove they are new.

"I've got no excuse"
besides, I don't want to hide,
don't tell me you do.

"Give my gun away"
who's to say I'd even use it-
still hard to part ways.

"If you don't shoot it"
We both know life is full of
blanks and misfires.

Your proposal, well...
"how am I suppose to hold it?"
It's a lot to ask.

"Is that alright with you..."
your answer will not change me,
I'm just curious.

"This is not what I do"
I can kick and scream and fight,
but I like how it is new.

"She's pulling me through"
I can go along, for now...
"Is that alright with you.."

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